6 Strategies to Improve Thoracic Mobility for Pitching Velocity and Arm Health

Pitching a baseball is one of the most physically demanding actions in sports. The human body is subjected to high levels of stress, especially in the thoracic spine - the middle section of your back. Maintaining mobility in this region is crucial for not only increasing pitching velocity but also for reducing the risk of injury. The thoracic spine influences the position and motion of the shoulder blade and shoulder joint during the throwing motion. Therefore, it is paramount for athletes, especially baseball pitchers, to incorporate exercises that improve thoracic mobility into their training regimen.

1. Myofascial Release

The fascia is a layer of connective tissue that surrounds the muscles, bones, and organs in the body. It plays a vital role in movement, flexibility, and force transmission. Foam rolling or using massage balls targeting the thoracic region can help break down fascial adhesions and muscle tightness. This, in turn, improves thoracic mobility, aiding in better force transmission and reducing the risk of injury.

2. Cat-Cow Exercise

The cat-cow is a yoga exercise that involves moving the spine from a rounded position (cat) to an arched one (cow). This exercise promotes flexion and extension of the spine, crucial for maintaining a healthy range of motion in the thoracic spine. Regular practice of the cat-cow exercise can help maintain flexibility and mobility in the thoracic spine, which is essential for a healthy throwing motion.

3. Seated Barbell Twists

Thoracic rotation is a key component of the throwing motion. Sitting with a barbell across your shoulders and gently rotating from side to side can greatly improve thoracic rotation. This exercise not only enhances thoracic mobility but also strengthens the muscles surrounding the thoracic spine.

4. Rotational Cable Exercises

Exercises such as split stance rows with rotation, push-pull exercises, and woodchoppers with rotation target the thoracic spine and help improve its mobility and strength. These exercises also engage the core and the muscles surrounding the thoracic spine, which play a crucial role in the throwing motion.

5. Train the Fascia Lines

Focusing on oblique sling exercises and rotational rhythmic stretching techniques helps train the fascia lines. These exercises target the fascia, which is essential for transmitting force and maintaining proper alignment and movement patterns. Training the fascia lines aids in better force transmission throughout the kinetic chain, ultimately leading to increased pitching velocity and reduced risk of injury.

6. Practice Timing

High-velocity pitchers have mastered the timing of landing at front foot strike with anywhere from 50-60 degrees of trunk rotation. This stores elastic energy through the trunk like a tightened rubber band and, with a firm front leg, launches the trunk into violent rotation. Oftentimes, low-velocity pitchers have adequate mobility, but they lack the timing, coordination, and sequencing to position themselves to transfer energy effectively through the kinetic chain.


Improving thoracic mobility is essential for increasing pitching velocity and reducing the risk of injury. Incorporating exercises such as myofascial release, cat-cow, seated barbell twists, rotational cable exercises, training the fascia lines, and practicing the timing of landing can have a profound impact on a pitcher's performance and health. Remember, a healthy and mobile thoracic spine is a key component of a powerful and injury-free throwing motion.